A COMMUNITY of Young Adults with a DESIRE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE in their sphere of INFLUENCE.

Energetic Young Adults who wish to impact the world by serving those around them with a heart of excellence, firmly established in their identity of knowing who they are in Christ! Desiring to be world-changers wherever they go.

Independent Adults PLUGGING IN TO THE WORLD with a HEART FOR JESUS to shape and transform CULTURE

Zealous individuals forging their own path in the world with a burning desire for people to know Jesus and His love for a lost and dying world. Actively partnering with the Kingdom to shape culture and see lives touched and transformed because of one man’s love for all.


KINGDOM FAMILIES pursuing God wholeheartedly. Doing real life through AUTHENTIC RELATIONSHIPS to see their COMMUNITY thrive through family
At Victory Church we are all about family and doing real life together as a family. With a deep desire for Jesus, we’re contending for the Kingdom of God to reign in our homes, over our relationships and in raising the next generation, so that our community is transformed through the overflow of healthy Kingdom culture in everyday life.

ENCOURAGING one another on life’s journey and celebrating life together

In our family we value our Senior Members. Evergreens are a group of Seniors, 65 years or older who delve into the Word, share experiences and celebrate life together.
We meet weekly at the Victory Church Campus.

how can we help you?
Cnr of Seetuin & Blombos Road,
Jeffreys Bay, Eastern Cape
South Africa
Telephone: +27 (0)42 296 1384
Email: reception@victorychurch.org.za